judicial adj. 1.司法的,审判上的。 2.审判员的;法官的;法院的;法院判决的[规定的]。 3.法官似的,符合法官身分的。 4.考虑周到的;慎重的;公平的,公正的。 5.【宗教】上帝审判的。 judicial affairs 司法。 a judicial assembly 审判大会。 the judicial bench 〔集合词〕法官。 judicial circles = the judicial world 司法界。 the judicial departments 司法部门。 the J- Department (Office) 司法部。 judicial gravity 像审判员那样严肃。 a judicial pestilence 天降瘟疫。 a biography judicial in purpose 一本批判性的传记。 a man with a judicial mind 内心公正的人。 judicial functions 司法职能。 adv. -ly
The same two processes of concentration , with and without judicial action of the mind , can be applied also to things subtle 合并于同一而现的二种状态(唯一不二) ,令思维意识在有无间转化而作用于微妙的事物。
It is the foun - damental content of rule of criminal law and the premise of it , makes criminal judicial action in order and provides citizens with the indication to obey criminal law 它是刑事法治建设的基本内容,是刑事法治的前提,它使刑法的适用有章可循,为人们遵守刑法提供了明确指示。
Notarization is the non - lawsuit and quasi - judicial action in which the notary agency provides evidence of actions for the items to be notarized and is endued with the public trust power 郑州“撬门公证案” 、西安体彩假票案和一些地方出现的公证质量等问题,使公证的公信力成为人们关注的焦点。
Some members of the working party expressed concern about certain practices relating to the filing of civil judicial actions that made it difficult for intellectual property right - holders to pursue their rights in china ' s courts 一些工作组成员对提起民事诉讼过程中一些使知识产权持有人难以通过法院保护其权利的做法表示关注。
The 43 - year - old jordan , a part - owner of the charlotte bobcats , led the bulls to six nba titles and was a five - time league mvp . he lives in highland park , ill . a formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action 43岁的乔丹目前是nba夏洛特山猫队的合伙人,他曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得六届nba总冠军,并五次获得联盟“最有价值球员”的称号。
The principle of addministrative reasonableness is the principle of administrative law instead of administrative procedural law ; so , it is applicable to administrative activities of administrative subject rather than the judicial action of judicial departments 行政合理性原则是行政法的原则,而不是行政诉讼法的原则,所以它对行政主体的行政行为是适用的,但不适用于司法机关的行政诉讼活动。
At present , the ways for sports labor dispute relief in china include internal settlement , labor arbitration and judicial action , and the neutral nature , professional nature and lagging nature therein have resulted in that sports labor disputes nowadays cannot be settled in a timely and effective fashion 摘要目前国内体育劳资纠纷救济途径有内部裁决、劳动仲裁和司法诉讼,其中立性、专业性、滞后性等造成了当下体育劳资纠纷不能得到及时有效解决。
Nowadays the distribution of burden of civil proof has many malpractices in legislation , theory and judicial actions , and therefore the research on the distribution of burden of civil proof proves itself meaningful and significant theoretically and practically on the background of judicial reform 我国的民事证明责任分配无论是立法、理论还是司法实践都存在诸多弊端,因此,在当前司法改革的背景下,研究民事证明责任的分配制度具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。
Usually there is a certain interval between the investigating & prosecuting apparatus instituting a proceeding and the court formally holding a hearing in public prosecution case . during the interval the judge will conduct a series of judicial action , that is to examine the complaint case to decide if it is necessary to open a hearing and also make procedural preparation for the hearing , this procedure is called pre - court examination procedure of public prosecution case 公诉案件从检察机关提起公诉到法院正式开庭审判之间,通常有一定时间间隔,在此期间,法官一般要进行一系列诉讼活动,主要是对起诉案件进行审查,决定是否开庭审判及为开庭审判做程序上的准备,这种程序,称为公诉案件的庭前审查程序。
The reason why i research this subject is : contract law is the core of private law , . and in the view of judicial practice the contract - breaching obligations are the core of contract law , because the judicial actions is mainly about that one breached his contract duty and the other suit for damages or other remedies . in contrast , if both parties have performed their duties , there will no actions 之所以研究该课题的主要原因是:契约法是私法的中流砥柱,而就司法实践而言,违约责任则是债法的核心问题,盖法官所要解决的契约法纠纷主要是一方违约后的违约责任,盖若双方当事人均按照契约之内容履行了自己的义务,必然无须诉诸法院,凡是诉诸法院的契约纠纷势必会涉及到一方没有能够全面履行其契约义务。