
judicial action中文是什么意思

  • 司法行为



  • 例句与用法
  • The same two processes of concentration , with and without judicial action of the mind , can be applied also to things subtle
    合并于同一而现的二种状态(唯一不二) ,令思维意识在有无间转化而作用于微妙的事物。
  • It is the foun - damental content of rule of criminal law and the premise of it , makes criminal judicial action in order and provides citizens with the indication to obey criminal law
  • Notarization is the non - lawsuit and quasi - judicial action in which the notary agency provides evidence of actions for the items to be notarized and is endued with the public trust power
    郑州“撬门公证案” 、西安体彩假票案和一些地方出现的公证质量等问题,使公证的公信力成为人们关注的焦点。
  • Some members of the working party expressed concern about certain practices relating to the filing of civil judicial actions that made it difficult for intellectual property right - holders to pursue their rights in china ' s courts
  • The 43 - year - old jordan , a part - owner of the charlotte bobcats , led the bulls to six nba titles and was a five - time league mvp . he lives in highland park , ill . a formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action
  • The principle of addministrative reasonableness is the principle of administrative law instead of administrative procedural law ; so , it is applicable to administrative activities of administrative subject rather than the judicial action of judicial departments
  • At present , the ways for sports labor dispute relief in china include internal settlement , labor arbitration and judicial action , and the neutral nature , professional nature and lagging nature therein have resulted in that sports labor disputes nowadays cannot be settled in a timely and effective fashion
  • Nowadays the distribution of burden of civil proof has many malpractices in legislation , theory and judicial actions , and therefore the research on the distribution of burden of civil proof proves itself meaningful and significant theoretically and practically on the background of judicial reform
  • Usually there is a certain interval between the investigating & prosecuting apparatus instituting a proceeding and the court formally holding a hearing in public prosecution case . during the interval the judge will conduct a series of judicial action , that is to examine the complaint case to decide if it is necessary to open a hearing and also make procedural preparation for the hearing , this procedure is called pre - court examination procedure of public prosecution case
  • The reason why i research this subject is : contract law is the core of private law , . and in the view of judicial practice the contract - breaching obligations are the core of contract law , because the judicial actions is mainly about that one breached his contract duty and the other suit for damages or other remedies . in contrast , if both parties have performed their duties , there will no actions
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